Website Promotion Tips

Website Promotion: 8 Obvious Places to Announce Your Website Address & 7 Traffic Building Tips

By Daniel Wadleigh

Article Word Count: 494

Website Announcements:

1) Business Cards

2) Brochures

3) Point-of-Sale handouts

4) Advertisements

5) Newsletters

6) Invoices

7) Press Releases

8) Magnetic door signs

There are 7 additional ways to promote traffic to your site.

1) E-Mail - you can purchase lists of people or businesses who are open to receiving information about certain subjects. These are valuable, effective ways to approach prospects. Do not send promotional e-mail blindly to people or businesses or you will be flamed, i.e. overloaded with vicious e-mail and lots of it. It's kind of an excuse to be rude without consequences, like the guy behind you at the light who likes to blast his horn if it takes you more than 2 seconds to go.

2) Faxes - the same approach to the same kind of people with less flaming potential.

3) Telemarketing - It's a soft kind of telemarketing, your not asking for an order, just selling them on going to your site to get some valuable free information or see some "specials."

4) Internet discussion groups - it's a fun way to get some exposure, especially if you have useful, free information regarding your subject- dial in and learn "netiquite" before joining in, Abuse is another form of flaming.

5) Radio-TV interviews - same approach as above.

6) Networking - this is a nice way to generate lead or sales. You offer an added value of some kind and a bonus for somebody's business that is compatible with yours, including your web address and come-on. Example: if you're a plumber, offer a free value for an electrician to offer to his customer base, or to new customers in order to get their business in the first place, It's free advertising, and, do the same for him.

7) Search Engines/Directories/e-zines- you can list your product to the whole world through search engines (clearing house locations for information, like a library) and Directories. You can find them for yourself or you can get the top 30 for free. This approach is for products that can be mailed anywhere or have a wide distribution network.

Samples for bottom of business cards, invoices, handouts, ads, yellow pages, etc;

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Daniel Wadleigh is a nationally published marketing consultant and has programs for start-up and existing businesses including effective web sites, e-mail/database, other non-internet ways to drive them to your website, and low cost ways to get more new customers.

Go to: to get free copy of "Marketing to Men vs. Women- the 8 different responses" and a Free copy of "Market Research- 7 Questions to Ask to Start-up and 7 to Ask to Improve Any Business."


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